
How to Get Success? The Myth of Overnight Success

How to get success?  How did the best athletes become so great?

The answer is simple. The best athletes have done hard work and put hours and hours of practice into it.  There is no gene, which makes you automatically good at volleyball or basketball. It is all done by countless of repetitions.Building Confidence in Volleyball. How to Get Success?

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking, there’s really no such a thing as overnight success.

Let’s put it another way, if you want to learn new skills or shift careers – whatever you want to accomplish – you can expect another 10,000 hours of hard work.

Read the whole article by clicking the link below:

How to Get Success –  The Myth of Overnight Success

And make sure you have read our pages about Sports Psychology in Volleyball.  You learn the basics about visualization and self-talk.