Read about strategies for coping with an injury. Check out this article if you or your athletes need support with injuries.

What is important in recruiting? How to find talents in sports?
We found a nice article about “how to find talents in sports?”.
Athletes’ performance is not only about physical talents, so why we are so obsessed and focusing often too much on physical testing and physical abilities of potential champions?
The “big six” indicators of a player’s performance potential – the Performance Potential factors are:
- Physical abilities;
- Personality characteristics;
- Playing skills;
- Performance abilities;
- Pedigree (i.e. genetic makeup);
- Preparation ((i.e. environment, family, culture).
To read more, go to how to find talents in sports?

Volleyball Front Row Attack Becoming Illegal – Is Not April Fools Joke
Have you heard about volleyball front row attack becoming illegal?
Even though it is the beginning of April – this is not the April Fools’ joke.
Volleyball Front Row Attack and Rules Changes
We are probably used to these frequent rules changes in volleyball, but this could be a little bit upsetting..
International governing body, FIVB wants to increase the length of the rallies, since the name of game is volleyball. They want the ball to stay longer in the air.
It is more difficult to kill the ball after a counter attack (, which is the offense after the defense). That’s why FIVB has been planning to make it harder to finish the rally after the serve receive. So, if the first attack after the serve receive is defended then rallies will be longer.
Therefore they have proposed to make the front row attack illegal after the serve receive.
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Proposed New Volleyball Rules And Regulations
Middle Hitters Must Be Upset..
I am sure some middle hitters would be upset about it. They would not have a chance to hit a quick attack in the front row after the serve receive.
Is this upsetting you? Comments? Questions? Concerns?
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Read more and join the discussions in Volleyball Forum Q/A in the Basic Volleyball Rules section:
Basic Volleyball Rules – Volleyball Forum Q/A
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Kids Sports – Do the Kids Have Unhealthy Expectations?
Kids Sports – Are the Kids Expectations Too High?
Unhealthy expectations, which are not met in competition, may lead some kids very frustrated. How to help kids to have more fun in sports?
Kids Sports Psychology – How to avoid frustrations and unhealthy expectations by the kids?
Take a look at this nice sports psychology advice we discovered:
1. Discover if your kids have high expectations.
Are they thinking: “I have to get a kill every time”, “I have to put the serve over every time”, “I have to get 20 kills in each match”.
2. Help kids get rid of those expectations.
They may set up those high goals themselves. Or those expectations may come from outside people.
Those expectations could be based on winning and losing – or how well they performed in the match. No more goals in which they are yearning for perfection: “I have to get 20 kills in the match”, “I have to put every serve in”.
3. Help your kids to set up smaller goals.
Set up goals which can be achieved easily.
- For example they should have a goal to “focus on one play, one serve, one shot or one spike at the time”.
- Or kids could set up a goal to make “quality serves” – you can define together what this means – for example you could set up a goal to serve with a good top spin what you have been working on in the previous week.
They should focus on something small that they can focus in the process of playing. Focus on small goals in the moment (“Now I am doing the tossing correctly, then following with a nice wrist snap”). Do not think about big goals in the process of playing (“I can’t make any serving errors in this match. I have to serve every serve in”). The goals should easily achievable.
Those steps help kids to avoid disappointment and becoming frustrated. Then they perform with confidence – without focusing on the outcome, which they can’t control themselves.
Q/A and Comments about Sports Psychology in Volleyball
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Cohn, P. Helping Young Athletes Cope with Frustration in Sports . Retrieved March 27, 2010, from

Kids Sports Psychology – Talent vs. Work Ethic
Kids sports psychology – which is more important talent or work ethic?
Talent is overrated. A talented athlete without willingness to prepare will not be successful in the long run.
Bringing up work ethic is one of the best things a parent or coach can do for the kids in sports.
We found some good suggestions for parents and coaches to develop a good work ethic in their kids.
How to Bring Up the Work Ethic?
Praise kids’ effort – not the results.
No false praise. Don’t praise, if the effort was clearly lacking.
Let kids know that athletes who have the work ethic will be successful in the long run, over the natural athletes.
Teach kids they often can’t control the outcome, but they can control the effort they put to prepare.
Tell kids you consider them a success, when they have had the will to prepare – no matter what the result is.
To read the whole article copy and paste the link below into your browser:
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Have you read our article how to use sports psychology to learn some volleyball skills? Click below.

How to Boost Self Confidence for Kids?
How to boost self confidence for kids? How to help kids to build a healthy self esteem?
We run into a great article. This article is pure gold.
This is a must read for all the coaches. You can’t find a more educating free article in the web. Biggest thanks for the writer!
A guide for teachers, parents and children to build a healthy self esteem for kids.
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How to Improve Self Confidence in Volleyball Serve?
Read about improving volleyball players’ self confidence.
How to make your players feel more confident when serving? Self-Confidence in Volleyball Serve
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Motivating Your Team To Be More Competitive
Posted an article about “Motivating Your Team To Be More Competitive” in the spots psychology section.
How do you get your team to compete harder? How to inspire your team to do their best?
Go to article through the following link Motivating Your Team To Be More Competitive
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Sports Psychology – Playing Against a Weaker Team
Sports psychology tips for playing against a weaker team.
I am sure you watched Olympic Games on TV and saw underdog teams surprising the clear favorites. One example of this was when the US men’s hockey team beat a clear favorite, the Canadian hockey team in the preliminary round.
How to play against a weaker team?
1. Do not take an underdog team too lightly or set expectations about who should win.
2. Always put a real effort to design a game plan or strategy.
3. Get excited and be passionate to compete. Without intensity you are not able to focus 100% to the game, which leads to bad performance.
If you want to read the this great article about “Playing Against a Weaker Team”, follow the link below:
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New Page – Sports Psychology in Volleyball
We posted a new page about Sports Psychology in Volleyball. How to use visualization to learn jump serve?

Sports Psychology in Volleyball
How to use sports psychology to improve your performance in volleyball? How to help athletes to perform better? Read about simple tools to improve your performance on the court.
Sports Psychology in Volleyball
Also here is a video about sports psychology in squash. Video is 8 minutes long, but I am positive you’ll get few good tips to your volleyball game from there. The coach in the video is the squash coach for the world’s greatest squash players, so it is worth watching the video.
[mc src=”” type=”youtube”]Sports Psychology and Winning[/mc]